Westfield is committed to providing a safe, healthy work environment for our employees and our customers. Our most sacred core value is a Safety Culture guided by the attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and values that employees share in relation to safety in the workplace. This atmosphere starts with top senior management and extends to the newest employee.

Here at Westfield, we maintain a safety program conforming to the industry’s best management practices including federal, state, local, OSHA, CAL-OSHA, and ANSI standards. Our safety program’s success embodies the proper attitudes toward injury and illness prevention for all levels of employees.

Westfield has a highly motivated & dedicated safety culture to educate and train safety standards in the our field of business to every employee, contractors & partners. With this Safety department, our goal is to promote the security of doing the job right and doing it the safest way possible.

The safety of every employee is always Westfield’s number one priority! We accept responsibility for providing a safe working environment and employees are expected to take responsibility for performing work in accordance with safe work practices. All our new hires go through a safety orientation, and we have a weekly safety meeting where we distribute materials throughout the company.